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In My Kitchen: September – November 2015

IMK November 2015

Well, well, well it’s been a while between In My Kitchen posts now hasn’t it. But I’m back (from the holidays that fed Instagram until it had to put on elastic waist pants, yet neglected proper posts until even the tumbleweeds lost interest) with an overflowing batch of three months worth of IMK goodies.

As per usual this is a collection of things seen over on Instagram — reasonably edited, grouped in loosely interpreted categories and appearing no particular order.

You’ve totally missed me haven’t you. Let’s go!



We had such a brilliant time at the first PPSS workshop in August that we’re doing it all again in two weeks time (then again, again, in March)!

If you’re in Tassie — or know someone who would benefit from a weekend workshop filled with improving photography and styling, and eating brilliant food — grab one of the last spots and join us!

Prep Prop Style Shoot - A Food Photography & Styling Workshop


The first meal Ellie served up for lunch on day one of the August workshop nearly stopped us in our tracks — the bread, the octopus salad, the smoked quail, the local salmon — sigh.

Oh good lord @ellieseating can you please cook for me every day, forever and ever? #PrepPropStyleShoot


There’s a distinct possibility that on our field trip to a local oyster farm I ate near on two dozen myself. They were, in no uncertain terms, the best oysters of my life — and the fact that they were harvested less than a day prior (vs the 3 weeks prior once we get them in Sydney, what?!) made them all that much sweeter, quite literally.

Today I gorged myself on the freshest, sweetest (and by far the best) oysters I've ever eaten, really.  In related news I shucked one of the aforementioned oysters and I still have all my fingers?. Tassie, your weather may be frighteningly bipolar


I can’t thank the workshop attendee gift bag sponsors enough and I even included some of my own goodies for good measure.

A huge thanks to our #preppropstyleshoot goodie bag partners @rubychaitea, @r_a_w_chocolate @decadentpantry & @gillespiesgingerbeer! . . . Tea, chocolate, designated driver bubbles and props - some of my favourite things ?


Kitchen Shenanigans

Green smoothie bowls have been a bit of a habit around here — even RJ asks for them from time to time, albeit in a glass.

It’s pretty much just spinach and avocado blended with any rogue fruit that happens to be lying around, then topped with something crunchy. Very scientific.

That moment when I'm blending up a bright green smoothie bowl and RJ asks if he can have some and I know my work is done (next step, getting him into the crunchy bits on top) ?? . . . For one: two handfuls baby spinach • one peeled orange • on


It’s possible that there’s been a lot of almond milk and molasses hot cacaos too. Although marshmallows (toasted over an electric burner, yes really) don’t usually feature.

Afternoon tea. . . .  Also known as an inappropriately large oat & almond milk cacao hot chocolate, a probably past its use-by date marshmallow that's been toasted over an electric burner (yes, really) and a dish of must portion lest I eat the whole damn


Speaking of chocolate — have you tried Liefje? No? Go get it, now.

Oh good lord my afternoon just became exponentially more bearable. ? Now all I need is an elf to clean up the disaster area that is my kitchen...  Note to self, order an elf. . . . Thanks @liefjegram @katecopr for making my Friday so much brigh


That pumpkin granola from a week and a half or so ago was first seen at a little creative market where I had a bake-sale table. The raw truffles in the background will be posted soon, the raspberry spelt doughnuts need a bit more taste testing refinement first.

My goodies for #thegreatpropswap - pumpkin granola, baked raspberry doughnuts & raw truffles. Last call if you're around Balmain!


Other People’s Kitchens

Five weeks of holiday travel meant that I spent more time in other people’s kitchens than my own these past couple months.

First up is my favourite spot in my grandmother’s house, a window at the kitchen table filled with all manner of pretty coloured glass. It makes me smile every single time.

I just... Sigh.


Ancient table cloth, everyday-use vintage china and silver, family recipe bran muffins, dinner leftovers as breakfast, mother and grandmother laughing at me standing on chairs to take a photo. This is home.

Lazy breakfast.  For those keeping score: Mum's vegetarian hotpot dinner leftovers (put all the veggies in a pan, add beans & spices, serve on brown rice) reheated with an egg and extra tomatoes from the garden, grandmother's muffins and swoon-worthy chin


Pears from the trees, Concord grapes from the vines, my perpetual hand model and purple scented air.

Pears from the trees, grapes from the vines.  And of course my perpetual hand model.


Out on Rt 380, just past Stockton, there’s an Amish farm where you can pick your own pumpkins… More importantly however, they sell doughnuts on Fridays.

Also, it could have been the two weeks without doughnuts that dulled the memories but RJ and I agree that the Amish ones may beat all the NYC ones we ate…

Out on Rt 380, just past Stockton, there's an Amish farm where you can pick your own pumpkins... More importantly however, they sell doughnuts on Fridays.  In slightly related news the light in my grandmothers kitchen is a petulant child - but when it beh

In slightly related news the light in my grandmothers kitchen is a petulant child – but when it behaves it’s simply heavenly.


It’s pretty much impossible to get decent bread where my mom lives so the first thing I do when we arrive is to make a few loaves of rye & wholewheat no-knead bread.

Spread with homemade pear butter (take all the old canned pears off the cabinet, drain liquid and put fruit in a slow cooker, simmer roughly 18 hours, re-can) it may have appeared for breakfast, and various morning and afternoon teas, more than once.

No-knead Wholewheat & Rye Bread I made yesterday, with Pear Butter mum and I canned last night.  It's all sorts of domesticated breakfast 'round here ?


When one goes to the farm during harvest one must make at least one Concord Grape Pie (if not three). And yes, of course I had pie for breakfast, why would you even ask a silly question like that.

Of course I had pie for breakfast, why would you even ask a silly question like that? ?


My brother’s mother-in-law (my bro-mo-in-law) makes a feather light matzah ball, an amazing sweet carrot soufflé and has the best china and silver collection I’ve ever seen.

Happy New Year (or L'Shana Tovah, so I've been told) from the bottom of a bowl of matzah ball soup.   In possibly related news my brother's mother-in-law (my bro-mo-in-law) makes a feather light matzah ball and an amazing sweet carrot soufflé ?


J: Can we make waffles one morning?
L (the sister-in-law): Of course, I have hard wheat we can grind ourselves!
J: why does that not even surprise me.

My people.

Also, because I didn’t feel like looking for the electric beater I whipped the whites by hand – a task that takes twice as long as finding the beater but totally counts as pre-breakfast exercise and justifies an extra waffle.

Note to self, get a deep-hole waffle maker asap.

W A F F L E S  And my mamma's hands. That is all.


There are no words for how hard it is to leave these little creatures each time.

Ms. S (who doesn’t warm to anyone in under a month, or three) took roughly five minutes to decide that RJ was her new best friend and proceeded to lead him around by the hand for our entire visit while my brother and SIL looked on in disbelief. The fruit they’re eating — gooseberries aka ground cherries.

It was hard to leave NY, but this, this may be impossible. ????


Maui sunsets demand salsa, guac and local beer every.single.evening.

Pre-dinner balcony provisions.


I make stuff

Because I need something else to do with my time I’ve been taken up (or re-taken up as the case may be) ceramics. It was contained to a weekly class however it’s recently spread to a bookshelf in the spare bedroom and the living room when possible. As you can imagine RJ is thrilled.

And breathe.  (well for a moment at least, before I get back into editing...)


Eating all the things from my new bowl prototype.

pumpkin pie porridge aka oats • chia • pumpkin purée • tons of spices, topped w pumpkin granola • strawberries • coconut cream.   Also, eating all meals from my new prototype bowl. ?


I must admit that I’m quite proud that I made every ceramic thing in this photo — little stoneware dishes (perfect for holding salt, sauces, rings and uncut diamonds) and the linens are over in the shop now and Babushka boards and plates will be there in time for Christmas (I hope).

Oh dear, it's November already.   Let's hear it for a bit of faffing to take attention away from my November-means-December-means-a-new-year-really-soon-where-did-this-one-go hyperventilating.  #7vignettes Day 1 • #tableplacesetting with @interiorsaddict

The green bowls I made over a decade ago and would love to find a glaze like that again.


When a client sends you product samples and there’s a promotional card in the package with a photo you shot for them? That.

When you receive a package with samples of the new @rubychaitea tea blends and included is a promo card with the work you shot for them ?.  In related news they make pretty darn good chai - and I now have a caffeine free spiced rooibos for evenings.

Also, caffeine-free Roobios Chai for the win.


All the Pretty Things

“…underdressed or overdressed. Anything in between can be a yawn.” ~ Megan Morton

When an interiors book and a new Zero Japan teapot show up, independently but at the same time? That’s a good mail day.

When a @megan_morton interiors book and a new @zerojapan_inc teapot show up, independently but at the same time?  That's a good mail day ?.


It’s official, the incredibly talented @lissletters wins best conference business card, ever. Runner up is the effervescent @smaggle because tea, people, tea!

It's official, the incredibly talented @lissletters wins best conference business card, ever. Runner up is the effervescent @smaggle because tea, people, tea!  . . .  Possibly related side notes: I now absolutely need one of those colouring books for adul


42 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia each day. Each.Day. The only way we’ll beat this thing is together.

October was an awareness month for all sorts of women’s health issues — but just because the month has ended doesn’t mean the fight against women’s cancers is over. Find a cause you believe in, donate if you can, support yourself and get checked, or just go make a cuppa and go call a girlfriend to say hi.

P I N K  P I N K  P I N K!  Remember what I said yesterday about being a woman and knowing a lot of women? Well October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month & I'm proud to be supporting @nbcfaus and their life changing breast cancer research.  42 women are di


Yes, that is a mid-century enamel Copco skillet. Yes, it has a lid too. Yes it was worth every ounce of the 6.5 lbs it took up in the suitcase to get it back here.

Yes, it’s currently living on a chair in the corner of the lounge room, don’t look at me like that.

Yes, that is a mid-century enamel Copco skillet. Yes, it has a lid too.   Yes it was worth every ounce of the 6.5 lbs it took up in the suitcase to get it back here. Yes, it's currently living on a chair in the corner of the lounge room, don't look at me


A few of the goodies I picked up on our latest trip, just hang’n out in the morning light…

Wood dishes Maui / white cups Palermo / tin of cherries (for the tin, not the cherries, obviously) Priano / everything else Western NY (that rolling pin was a dollar, can I get a hell yeah).

Collect'n all the pretty things (like a raccoon...)  A few of the goodies I picked up on our latest trip, just hang'n out in the morning light... wood dishes Maui / white cups Palermo / tin of cherries (for the tin, not the cherries, obviously) Priano / e

We won’t even talk about what I left at mum’s for her to send at Christmas. And of course between the cake cutter and the ice cream scoop and the enamel pie tin all I can think about is dessert.


Sourdough • tahini • roast pumpkin purée • coconut cream • cinnamon

But more importantly, ceramic plates that look like marble.

Sourdough • tahini • roast pumpkin purée • coconut cream • cinnamon  And plates from @freedom_australia that kind of make me swoon (and are the perfect size for pie, just saying). ?? Best you go and enter my giveaway for a $100 voucher to Freed


I’ve always wanted a pretty camera strap, I found this one and liked it so much I bought it for both cameras. It makes me happy, and considering I spend roughly six to eight hours a day attached to my camera I’d say it was a very good investment.

Post-yoga chocolate soft-serve (frozen custard apple, avocado, cacao powder, cinnamon) and an evening of pulling all the holiday pics off various camera cards ?  Also, can we talk about the afternoon light in my laundry room? ?


Travel to Eat

That trip I may have mentioned? (haha) Well we saw lots of stuff and did lots of stuff but through it all we ate. Lots of stuff.

This is only a snippet, a taste if you will, because if I shared all the things we’d be here for days. On the other hand, if you’re looking to avoid real life for a while and possibly drool on your keyboard a bit you can find much, much more over here.

NYC we're coming for you! I'll be the one wearing white pants after Labor Day, because I'm a rebel like that.   See y'all on the flip side ???? #jjupandaway

There were doughnuts, lots and lots of doughnuts.

This evening I had an actual in-person dinner with someone I met online - horrors!   We talked politics (on a first date none the less) and how blogging is like Dazed and Confused (if you get that reference please pick up your striped socks at the bar) an

and gelato, lots and lots of gelato

Well overdue.  Post boating gelato - Stracciatella & Caramel for him, Strawberry & Tiramisu (hiding in the back) for her - because when two flavours on a cone are the same price as one you get two, obviously.   #rjholdingicecream

and a few sunset beverages, as you do

S U N D O W N E R S   Sunset, Aperol Spritz, olives & beer on the roof to see out another day.

and pie, because pie is always a good idea

And then there was lime pie.  R: can we eat the pie now? J: after I take one photo, this pie deserves a photo R: can we eat the pie now? J: you realise the more times you ask me the longer it takes, right? R: can we eat the pie now?

and plenty of opportunities for brunch of course.

That Ahi Benedict in the background yesterday? This version at @leodasmaui (um housemade rye, pesto, avocado, tabasco spiked not too heavy hollandaise) wins hands down - simply perfect even with a non-runny egg.   Also, I shall now expect seared ahi on al


And then, in the midst of a market in Sicily, we came upon a man making sandwiches. He was so animated and engaging we simply had to stop and watch. And if you stop and watch you simply must order.

It doesn't matter how good your sandwich is, this guy makes a better one. #ortigiamarket

So we ordered and took a sandwich to go and then later, after looking at centuries old mosaics we ate said sandwich while standing on the side of the road, taking inappropriately large bites while half leaning over, stretching our arms as far from our bodies as possible but still within biting distance, as to not drip said sandwich all over our shoes.

Half of aforementioned sandwich - somewhere between smoked ricotta, smoked mozzarella, just-made fresh mozzarella, olives and all the tomatoes in the world I died and went to heaven.


Out & About

Somehow, after all that we came home and still went to lunch for our 11 year wedding anniversary. In our defence we had planned to go to Six Penny for our 10 year anniversary, it only took us 365 more days to get there.

In possibly related news I want roasted parsnips with wattle seed salt and caramelised cream for every meal, thank you very much.

Impeccable lazy Saturday anniversary lunch at @sixpenny_au (because 11 years of marriage totally deserves 3 desert courses).  In possibly related news I want roasted parsnips with wattle seed salt and caramelised cream for every meal, thank you very much.


And finally, due to an incessant pining for Italy and plotting to return to Maui ever since we’ve been home, a spur of the moment date-night at Da Mario for proper wood fired pizza was just what the doctor ordered.

Make that ordered in lieu of a never-ending stream of money to feed the addiction to go to all the places forever. Sigh.

Date night ??  Pining for Italy, plotting for Maui, as you do.


Last but not least I just spent a lovely Sunday afternoon with a group of gorgeous creative people at @theassemblyhome Spring Lunch.

This was the dessert table — cakes of course by @simmerandboyle.

Nope, no sugar here ?   @theassemblyhome Spring lunch @simmerandboyle dessert table, @endeavourtea icy beverages, @glenmorehouse ambiance. How terribly civilised ?


That’s All Folks

As always I’m linking up with Celia for IMK. Make sure to pop over to her site and check out the other IMK posts — there is always great stuff to be found.

* Nothing here is sponsored. All opinions are fully my own and yes they are generally positive, because I don’t have the time or inclination to share stuff I don’t like. Supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus. Beam me up Scotty.

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